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Energy Insights April 2023

Energy Insights was amazing again this month!

Chakra sensing and muscle testing can provide valuable, energetic insight into emotional, physical and spiritual issues or concerns surrounding our cats. Julie-Anne and Pam helped six cats who presented opportunities to learn and grow, including:

  • Cats needing help from over-vaccination
  • One cat that died but picked another soul contract and came back to life
  • Brutal honesty from one cat to his guardian
  • And more!

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Our Purpose Comes From Those That Touch Our Heart.

To help cat owners learn about the options and benefits of natural, holistic health in order to not just live but to thrive. After all, our cats aren’t just pets...they’re family.

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Trusted By Those That Love Their Best Friends

Akashic Record Reading for Pets with Nina
I had a wonderful experience and felt very at ease and comfortable and thought I was given a lot of informative information. It went above and beyond what I excepted. So glad I did it.

T. Dotson

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