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How To Reduce Shedding In Cats

Shedding in cats

I shed a kitten!

Does your cat send bits of love with you whenever you leave the house?  That’s what I refer to as cat hair all over your clothes!  Yes, it’s true that cat hair comes with the territory if you live with cats.  Thank goodness for those lint/pet hair rollers!  Seriously though, some cats shed way more than others.  So what can you do to help reduce shedding in cats?  Actually, quite a few things!  

Nutritional help for shedding in cats

The first, and in my opinion, the most important thing  to help reduce shedding in cats is to feed a species appropriate wet diet.  Not only is a wet diet better for cats nutritionally, it provides the moisture they need since cats have a low thirst drive.  Cats who are well hydrated and eat a meat-based wet diet will shed less than a cat who eats dry food.  Furthermore, the quality of the fur is a reflection of how healthy a cat is on the inside.

The second thing you can do help cats shed less is to use an omega 3 oil supplement.  The right balance of omega 3 and 6 oils improve the quality of the skin and fur.  Not only will it help improve the coat but it also helps with flaky skin/seborrhea.  If the skin and fur are well hydrated  your cat will shed less.

Grooming gloves for shedding in cats

Spa time–grooming helps control shedding

Another way to help reduce shedding in cats is to brush them daily.  In the warmer months especially this can be extremely helpful because cats start shedding their winter coats when the weather starts warming up.  The way you brush them is also important.  Try brushing them against the way the fur lays as this removes more of the undercoat.  Some cats can stand to be brushed twice a day; others do well just once a day.  For cats who don’t like a brush try using the pet gloves that effectively remove loose fur while being petted.  

Bathing your cat can also help reduce shedding because it removes the undercoat and conditions the fur and skin.  Naturally, not every cat likes water, much less getting a bath.  However, if you’re up for giving it a try consider having a mobile groomer come to your home or try bathing your cat yourself.  Having two people may make the experience easier, and be sure to use a shampoo that is made specifically for cats.  Products for people and dogs should be avoided; many of them use ingredients such as essential oils that are not safe for cats.  

Stress and other health conditions impact how much your cat sheds

Finally, find ways to alleviate your cat’s stress.  Have you noticed that whenever your cat is stressed he sheds like crazy?  Stressful experiences can include car rides, vet visits, when guests come over, moving, or even when you add a new pet to the home.  There are many ways to help reduce stress in these types of situations.  Using flower essences like Bach’s Flower Rescue Remedy, CBD, playing soft, relaxing music, giving a light blue blanket to sit or sleep on, and encouraging play sessions are several ways to help reduce stress and anxiety in cats.

If you’re doing all these things yet your cat is still shedding excessively, pulling out their fur or has bald patches, it would be a good idea to see your vet in order to rule out an underlying medical reason.  Things like food intolerances, allergies, parasites and illness are also potential reasons why your cat may be shedding more than normal.  

What things have you done to help reduce shedding in your cat?  Share in the comments below.


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Reiki healing with Deanna
Nikko fell off the bed, and his left shoulder and leg got hurt. He couldn’t walk. I did remote Reiki for him, and immediately after (1 hour), he was back to walking around! He is on the move! Walking! He was not walking earlier!!!… He is on the move again!!😂 Thank you, LOVE! Thank you so much!!! The healing was an amazing success!!!!!

Aracele P.

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