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How & Why To Get Your Cat On A Raw Diet

Raw diets
Kittens take to raw quickly and enthusiastically

It’s all about cats this month! This week I sat down with Brad Clinthorne from Steve’s Real Food to discuss how and why it’s important to get your cat on a raw diet.

In today’s chat we discussed:

  • My journey of transitioning my cats from kibble to a raw diet
  • Why we should feed cats like carnivores
  • The benefits of feeding a species appropriate diet
  • Toxins found in dry and processed foods
  • Why grain-free food is not what you want to feed
  • A cat’s blueprint
  • The transition process from kibble to wet to raw
  • Success stories
  • How our energy affects our cats at meal time
  • What to look for in a raw food product

And much more! What was your biggest take-away in today’s chat?

Check out the selection of raw diets in our shop!

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Iena S.

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