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Lend Me a Kitten

Lend Me a Kitten

I will lend to you a kitten, God said
For you to love while he lives and mourn when he is dead
Maybe for 12 or 13 years, or maybe just 2 or 3
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief
You’ll always have the memories as solace for your grief
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from Earth return
But there are lessons taught below I want THIS kitten to learn

I’ve looked the whole world over in search of teachers true
And from the folk that crowd life’s land, I have chosen you
Now will you give him all your love and not think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take My kitten home again?

My heart replied,”My Lord, Thy Will be done.
For all the love this kitten brings, the risk of grief I’ll run.”
“We’ll shelter him with tenderness, and love him while we may,
and for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay.

But if you call him back much sooner than we had planned,
please help us brave the bitter grief and try to understand.”
“If by our love, your wishes we’ve managed to achieve,
in memory of his sweet, sweet love, please help us while we grieve.

And when our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
please send us yet another one to love for all his life.”

–Author unknown

Dedicated to our kitties

I wanted to share this beautiful poem which brought me to tears only two lines into it!  If you’ve ever lost or had to say goodbye to a kitty I know it will resonate with you in a special way.  Oh, how much we love our kitties!😻❤️  This is dedicated to all our kitties who are no longer with us, who blessed our lives and left paw prints on our hearts.





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Pam has helped us through months of struggle with foods, remedies and setbacks. She never waivers. The thing I love most about Pam is that she is incredibly compassionate but also has strong boundaries. It made me feel instantly that we were in good hands. And she knows her stuff. Her instincts and skill with muscle testing do not fail. My cats’ wellbeing and health keep improving. Thank you, Pam! We are forever in your debt!

Cheryl M.

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