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Magic Moments

A couple of months ago I took a class on Animal Communication given by the amazing ladies at The Lightfoot Way.  I actually wrote about this in an earlier blog, but now I have a follow up story that’s pretty incredible.

About three weeks ago I received a text from my aunt Bonnie letting me know that they would be saying goodbye later that day to her feral, outdoor kitty Magic.  This beautiful black and white long-haired beauty lived on their back porch with her feral buddy Major for eight years.  Despite all that time she never gained the courage to let my aunt and uncle touch her or experience the affection they so desperately wanted to share with her.  When I visited them back in early February of this year I took her picture and told them I would go home and talk to her–I needed to practice my new-found skills.

My conversation with Magic was very emotional.  I found myself extremely sad and tears flowed down my face almost the entire time.  She told me that she would be saying goodbye to them soon, although I didn’t exactly know what “soon” meant.  She had begun to lose weight and a couple of months earlier had gotten really sick but somehow rebounded.  I sensed there was something definitely wrong with her kidneys and heart, and her frail little body couldn’t hang on much longer.  The only reason she was still around was to make sure her feral buddy Major would be ok once she was gone.  She was grateful to my aunt and uncle for their years of care and devotion, and she revealed that she was tired of being afraid of human contact.  Now imagine having to repeat this back to my family members who were already so worried about her!  It was truly heart-breaking.


Magic and Major

Magic (front) and Major (back)

Fast forward five weeks later when I received my aunt’s text.  The tears started to flow as I read her words, my heart was breaking right alongside hers.  There was a terrible storm the night before and they couldn’t find Magic.  Fearing the worst, they finally found her the next morning on the next door neighbor’s back porch.  The poor baby didn’t even have the strength to get up, and for the first time allowed my uncle to carry her back to their house.  They made the dreaded appointment to meet their vet early that afternoon.

All that day I couldn’t get Magic out of my head.  As I was coming down the stairs in my house later that afternoon the realization hit me that she has been trying to talk to me all day!  We had never really discussed in our class what it’s like to experience an animal reaching back out to me that I have spoken to previously, so I didn’t recognize what was happening.  I could see the picture of her in my head and she was telling me to give my aunt and uncle a message:  “Don’t be sad anymore.  I’m free and I’m ok now!  Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me over the years.  I loved living in your back yard, but it’s time for me to go.  Whenever you see butterflies think of me–it’s my way of saying hello!”  And then I saw an image in my mind of butterflies dancing around the flowerbed against the back fence.  When I passed along her message to my aunt she was amazed and so grateful.  As it turns out, the flowerbed by the back fence is where they buried Magic, and now she rests among all the other kitties who have blessed their lives over the years.

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Pam is truly gifted!
Pam has been working her magic on my cats for 2+ years, and now she has helped me as well! During Mind, Body, Spirit Release she found trapped emotions, fears, self limiting beliefs and specific problems that were currently going on in my life. I was shocked at how accurate it was each time, and grateful I was able to acknowledge and work on these issues. She gave me the tools to help work on myself and it was a truly healing experience. Highly recommend!

Lindsay R.

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