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Hershey’s Testimony To The Power of Natural Remedies For Cats

natural remedies are highly effective in cat health

Harnessing Nature’s Power for Cat Health

He’s sixteen years young, beautiful, and very spoiled.  Hershey is our first Tonkinese, and he’s been quite the “momma’s boy” all these years.  We often joke that he thinks he’s royalty and perhaps he was in a former life!  His wellness check up in late November revealed two very sensitive teeth with red, tender gums.  After stabilizing his thyroid levels we were finally able to get his dental work scheduled.  As a cat mom I’m always trying to find natural remedies for my cats that provide effective and safe support during medical procedures and illnesses.  Little did I realize that my knowledge was about to be put to the test!

Dental Surgery Complications

The day of the appointment my husband dropped off Lili and Hershey for their teeth cleaning.  The doctor was able to hand scale Lili’s teeth without anesthesia, and she got to come home.  Given the condition of Hershey’s teeth we knew he would need dental surgery, but his age and kidney values made the procedure high risk.  To be extra cautious the doctor suggested to put him on fluids for 24 hours prior to the surgery in order to flush out the kidneys really well.  He did NOT want to spend the night and clearly felt betrayed when I went to pick up Lili and left him there.  As a result he went on a hunger strike, and the food I took him remained untouched the rest of the day.   

The next day I got a call from the doctor that Hershey made it through surgery and was in recovery.  To put him under we opted for drugs that are mainly flushed out through the liver in order to ease the burden on the kidneys.  He was so happy to go home when I picked him up!  The hunger strike ended that evening as he wolfed down his food and settled in to convalescing.  I started him on some Milk Thistle to cleanse the liver and some homeopathic lymphatic support to help his body flush out all the toxins and drugs.  All was going as planned.

His appetite started to wane a bit on Friday, and he was drooling a lot.  His mouth smelled bad, but I thought it was just the food and drool.  On Sunday I realized he was running a fever and his appetite was gone.  It became apparent there was an infection in his mouth.  Why is it that pet emergencies seem to happen either in the middle of the night or on the weekend when your vet’s office is closed??  It can be a very frightening situation you find yourself in, and the only option is to go to one of those expensive emergency clinics!  Rather than panic here’s what I did–and you can do it too!Natural remedies used with Hershey

Step 1:  Address the fever and infection

Colloidal silver is a powerful, non-toxic remedy that has lots of uses.  It’s also safe to use with cats.  I used a technique called muscle testing to assess and address the needs of Hershey’s body.  It’s like tapping into his subconscious and letting his body tell me what tools it needed to heal itself.  I was able to determine that colloidal silver would be the perfect remedy to eliminate the infection and the fever.  Arnica, a homeopathic remedy, would address the pain he was in.  

Step 2:  Get him to eat

I decided to syringe feed him.  Keep in mind I had never tried this before, and my friend Pam brought over a feeding syringe.  I used this opportunity to feed him Rad Cat raw cat food.  It has naturally occurring enzymes, vitamins and minerals to provide optimal nourishment along with a high moisture content.  Hershey has never been won over to a raw diet, but surprisingly he let me get half a syringe down him!  The next day he got a full syringe down!  

Step 3:  Try fluids

Pam and I also tried to administer sub-cutaneous fluids to help hydrate him and flush out his system, but he wanted no part of it.  I also tried again the next day with the help of a vet tech who came to the house.  No luck.  You have to respect the wishes of your cat sometimes, and like me, I think he may be needle-phobic!


natural remedies and cat healthBy the next morning his fever was gone!  He continued to get 3 ml of colloidal silver three times a day for four more days.  Day five I was able to cut the dosage in half, and on day eight he was down to 1/2 ml.  (I’ll continue the colloidal silver until muscle testing determines he doesn’t need it anymore.)  I stopped the milk thistle after seven days and the lymphatic support after eight.  The infection in his mouth looked smaller, and the redness around it was returning to the normal pink color.  His drooling diminished as well, and by Friday it had pretty much stopped.  He no longer needed the arnica (for pain) by Thursday.  He began to eat on his own again by Tuesday after a failed attempt at syringe feeding.  It was if he felt undignified and wanted to show me he could do it himself.  

On Friday I took him back to the vet for a re-check.  Dr. Knapp was thrilled at his progress!  His infection was clearing up well, he was well-hydrated, and he looked great overall.  It was awesome to get her blessing and encouragement for the decisions I made several days earlier, and the proof was in the pudding.  Hershey is a living testimony to the power of natural remedies for cats!  

By choosing natural remedies it keeps good bacteria in the gut while eliminating the bad.  It allows the immune system to be supported without toxic side effects.  It provides an alternative to rushing off to an emergency vet that creates more stress for the cat and the owner.  The technique of muscle testing to determine which products are in your cat’s highest and best good is key to knowing what to use!

Want to learn more?  Read another story here about how colloidal silver helped other cats.  Sign up here to follow our posts, and please share this story on your favorite social channel!



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Animal Communication with Nina
I had the good fortune of meeting Nina in 2007 through horses. Nina has been a very important part in helping me keep my horses happy and healthy...both in the form of Equine Bodywork and Communication. She is both astute and intuitive in her communication. Often helping find issue that my veterinarians and I haven't quite been able to figure out.

Suzanne W.

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