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The Power Of Reiki For Cats


Reiki is a form of energetic healing that can benefit animals


The Power Of Energy For Healing

This past week has been very exciting here in Houston as the whole city has been following the Houston Astros in the American League Championship Series, culminating in a win last night over the New York Yankees.  Our hometown team is on its way to the World Series for the first time since 2005!  I’m sure everyone who was in the stadium last night could feel a supercharge of energy as they watched their team clench their ticket to move on. 

Energy.  It’s all around us and can be found in everything whether animate or inanimate.  Flashbacks of science and chemistry classes in school come to mind for me:  protons, neutrons and electrons…we can’t see them with the naked eye but with the right tools we can.  What about feeling energy?  Have you ever been around a person who just exudes charisma or excitement?  What about someone who just gives off very negative vibes?  We instantly decide, based on how energy feels, whether we are attracted or repelled by it. 

One type of energy medicine you may not be familiar with is called Reiki.  It’s not just for humans either!  Reiki for cats and other animals is a viable tool that promotes health and healing.  In fact, animals are much more sensitive to energy than people are, so it can be a very effective tool in your holistic health tool kit.  

What is Reiki?

Energy, directed with intention, can be very powerful, and this works the same way with modalities of healing.  Reiki, a Japanese form of alternative medicine believed to involve transferring chi through one’s palms (, is a great way to bring healing on multi-levels.  Here’s a great overview:

Reiki is a form of energy healing that can help alleviate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stress.  It is a way to ‘tune-up’ your energy to it’s healthiest state allowing for healing to take place.  Reiki is a gentle and safe healing practice that is geared towards removing any energy blocks in our system caused by emotional, mental or physical stress and pain.  During a Reiki Session a practitioner places his or her hands on the client with the intention of the Reiki Energy to flow.  This Reiki energy, also known as the Universal Life Force Energy, is not the practitioner’s energy.  It is a divinely guided energy that knows exactly where the blocks are and pushes them out as well as fills up the energy gas tanks wherever you are low in energy.  And because Reiki does not use the practitioner’s energy it is safe for both the practitioner as well as the Reiki recipient.  You do not run the risk of absorbing the practitioner’s energy and vice versa.  During a session a person may feel heat, tingling or cooling sensations as blocks are removed.  Most all clients get to a deep state of peace and relaxation during a session.

How Reiki helped a cat named LeonReiki for animals

One of my friends, Robin, contacted me this week to let me know she took her kitty, Leon, to have a Reiki session.  I was so excited and couldn’t wait to hear how it went.  She was concerned about Leon’s digestion, arthritis, and cataracts and wanted to give it a try.  After all, he is now 16 years old, and she wants his senior years to be comfortable and happy.  He’s a pretty laid back cat and loves to take daily walks with Robin at their condominium complex.  Age was starting to creep up on him, and he walked with a limp due to his arthritis.  A couple of weeks earlier she added an arthritis supplement to his diet. 

Robin held Leon in her lap while Reiki Master, Cheryl, worked over him.  He was so relaxed and calm and seemed to enjoy the session.  Cheryl, being very intuitive, shared a few things she was picking up from Leon.  He was taking on some of Robin’s worry and anxiety; he was also afraid of a dog–probably that of a not so nice neighbor that had shown some hostility to Robin and Leon on a recent encounter.  One of the things she was surprised to learn was that she and Leon had known each other in a past life!  This could explain their deep connection and bond towards each other.  Cheryl was able to help his body release the stress of worry and anxiety.  What happened next left Robin speechless:  she noticed right away his limp was gone!  He had no trouble getting up and down or walking normally.  Clearly his pain was gone!

One of the things I have learned from my yoga teachers and training is that we tend to hold our deepest emotions in areas of deep connective tissue, like our hips.   Reiki helped Leon release the emotions of worry and anxiety that had manifested in his joints, resulting in pain-free movement!  To top it off, Robin told me that once they got home he seemed like a different cat.  He was so happy and even more affectionate and loving than she had seen him in a very, very long time.  He wanted to be wherever she was, showering her with affection and loud purrs.  This was one happy cat! 


In my heart I know this is Leon’s way of saying thank you to Robin for helping him heal, not only on an emotional level but a physical one, too.  There is lots of evidence to prove that disease often times starts out with negative emotions left unchecked, changing the pH levels in the body’s cells that create the perfect environment for disease to develop.  With this in mind, it may prove highly beneficial for all of us cat parents–and our cats–to have Reiki sessions every once in awhile. 

Are you interested in having a Reiki session for you or your cat?  We have our very own talented Reiki master, Lori, here at Purrrfectly Holistic!  Learn more about this amazing service and how it works here

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