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‘Twas The Night Before Christmas: A Cat Poem

'Twas the night before Christmas poem

In the spirit of Christmas and our passion for everything about cats I have an extra special treat to share with you!  Tagging off the famous ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas poem, I created a slightly different version.  The famous expression, “I work hard so my cat can have a better life,” rings true to those of us who are owned by a cat or two.  This poem is dedicated to all the cat parents out there who never think twice about the sacrifices made or lengths they go to in order to make their kitties feel loved and pampered!

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney with bling
In hopes that more cat treats Santa would bring.
The kitties were snuggled all cozy in beds
With visions of catnip and toys in their heads
Cat mom and cat dad spent all evening wrapping
With gifts under the tree they went to bed happy
When down in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
They sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Right down the staircase they flew like a flash,
Racing into the great room they heard a loud crash.
That’s when they found them—each cat with tail swishing
All focused and staring, growling and hissing
Ignoring their parents’ attempts of distraction
The cats kept their eyes on the prize and the action.
And then without warning the cats began chasing
The small furry creature on which they’d been gazing.
More rapid than eagles they flew down the hallway
Ignoring the shouting of mom and dad calling.
Over the table, the chairs and straight down the hall,
Dash away, dash away, dash away all!
All you could hear was thundering feet
As they ran and then leaped to the top of the tree
The presents were scattered from under the tree
As tinsel and baubles all fell underneath.
That’s when they saw him—he peeked his head out,
To locate the cats–a cute little mouse!
Through howling and protests cat mom and cat dad
Grabbed each of the cats, scrambling fast.
Locked in the bedroom they still heard meows
As they went back downstairs wondering what to do now?
The mouse blinked his eyes and tilted his head
Letting them know they had nothing to dread.
With a squeak and a dart he jumped to floor
And he raced towards cat dad who held open the door.
Before he ran off he wiggled his nose,
Gave a quick wink, finally turning to go.
The excitement was over, they turned out the lights,
Merry Catmas to all, and to all a good night!

~Merry Christmas from Purrrfectly Holistic!

holiday shopping for cat lovers

Have you had some crazy cat Christmas shenanigans? Share in the comments below!

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Pam is truly gifted!
Pam has been working her magic on my cats for 2+ years, and now she has helped me as well! During Mind, Body, Spirit Release she found trapped emotions, fears, self limiting beliefs and specific problems that were currently going on in my life. I was shocked at how accurate it was each time, and grateful I was able to acknowledge and work on these issues. She gave me the tools to help work on myself and it was a truly healing experience. Highly recommend!

Lindsay R.

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