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Feline Emotions–A Closer Look

We all know cats are amazing, sentient beings, and some are more demonstrative of their emotions than others. While some people may doubt that feline emotions can resemble those of humans, I find examples everyday with clients that I assess energetically.

Feline emotional imprints

Besides the somewhat obvious clues we pick up on through their body language, ie: tail swishing, fur standing on end, ears flattened back, etc, cats are really good at hiding other emotions. Life experiences from as young as kittenhood to things that happen throughout their lives can leave negative, emotional imprints in areas of the brain we know as memory centers. These four areas are the limbic system, amygdala, hypothalamus, and thalamus.

Similar to humans, even cats lock away negative experiences in these areas of the brain, and this can have a profound effect on their interactions with other pets and people. In fact, it can affect their behavior, health and overall wellbeing. Physical ailments almost always have an emotional component.

Trapped emotions

While I am no expert in the areas of psychology or physiology, I have come to learn than cats are sentient beings that understand on some level a vast array of emotions. Their experiences, whether good or bad, often shape their personalities and behavior. Fortunately, I can release the negative emotions from these memory centers using energy healing techniques. It reminds me of wiping the slate clean or erasing the chalk board. As a result, this can have a profound effect on a cat’s behavior and demeanor.

Triggers and emotions

So what exactly do our cats feel emotionally given certain situations? Part of the energy testing evaluations I do always involve identifying environmental and situational stressors. I began noticing many of the same emotions connected with the stressors in given situations across many clients. Therefore, I felt it would be helpful for cat parents to “see” and understand what cats are feeling in certain situations.

Example triggers/situations of feline emotions

  • Car rides: anxiety, crying, confusion, panic, fear, overwhelm, vulnerability
  • Loud noises: shock, fear, anxiety
  • Vet visits: defensiveness, anxiety, fear, overwhelm, lack of control
  • Left at home or boarding for an extended period of time: abandonment, heartache, grief, sadness, unsupported, unworthy
  • Being picked up: frustration, lack of control, unsupported
  • Wearing the “cone of shame” (for healing purposes): lack of control, peeved, resentment, frustration
  • Time spent at a shelter: anxiety, confusion, panic, fear, overwhelm, abandonment, heartache, rejection
  • Being held: defensiveness, lack of control, frustration, unsupported
  • Physical abuse: helplessness, defensiveness, panic, fear, terror, overwhelm, worthlessness
  • Being re-homed: confusion, nervousness, shock, sadness
  • Taking oral meds or supplements: defensiveness, lack of control, peeved
  • Being petted: anxiety, defensiveness, panic, fear, overwhelm
  • Abandoned by owner: abandonment, heartache, helplessness, despair, depression, confusion, longing, worthlessness
  • Bullied by another pet: anxiety, defensiveness, overwhelm, nervousness, lack of control, resentment, peeved
  • Strangers: fear, anxiety, panic
  • Pica (eating non-food items): lack of control, self abuse, depression, unsupported
  • Bullying another pet: jealousy, stubbornness, frustration, lack of control

Holistic tools for feline emotional healing

As you can see, cats can and do experience numerous emotions and feelings as a result of their experiences. As heartbreaking as it is to see, it also gives pet parents an opportunity to be proactive in situations as well as explore ways to provide support and emotional healing.

Our holistic tool box for helping to address feline emotional healing is vast: energy healing techniques (including Reiki), color therapy, crystal therapy, homeopathy, flower essences, dried herbs, CBD, confidence building sessions, scent swapping, animal communication, providing vertical space, “catification” of our homes, and more.

Moving past negative feline emotions

Whenever I work energetically with a cat that has trapped emotions from experiences like those listed above it truly tugs on my heartstrings. But I am also really happy that I can identify them in order to release them for their highest good. This results in strengthening the bonds between pet parents and their cats and provides insights for how we can find ways to help our cats move from places of “darkness” into “light.” After all, the goal is to help our cats live longer, healthier, happier lives!

Our Purpose Comes From Those That Touch Our Heart.

To help cat owners learn about the options and benefits of natural, holistic health in order to not just live but to thrive. After all, our cats aren’t just pets...they’re family.

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Pam is truly gifted!
Pam has been working her magic on my cats for 2+ years, and now she has helped me as well! During Mind, Body, Spirit Release she found trapped emotions, fears, self limiting beliefs and specific problems that were currently going on in my life. I was shocked at how accurate it was each time, and grateful I was able to acknowledge and work on these issues. She gave me the tools to help work on myself and it was a truly healing experience. Highly recommend!

Lindsay R.

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