Speaking With Animals

Lanna with her cat, Asti
Life has a funny way of getting our attention at times, doesn’t it? Perhaps in ways we don’t expect or circumstances that are extremely painful. Ironically, it is in those times we learn the most–about ourselves and about life. There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” While speaking with animals may not have been on Lanna Ashley’s radar just a few years ago, an event happened that opened a new path and changed her life.
“When the student is ready the teacher appears”
Several years ago Lanna’s kitty was peeing outside the litter box and she wanted to understand why. She sought help from Kim and Allison of The Lightfoot Way, who are professional animal communicators and teachers of holistic pet wellness. They were able to share with her the exact layout of her apartment at the time including the color of Bailey’s litter mat and explained in detail why she was soiling outside of the litter box.
Intrigued and amazed, Lanna decided to learn animal communication for herself. Now a professional animal communicator, speaking with animals has become a passion and her soul purpose. She describes herself as a vessel through which animals communicate.

Image credit: Pixabay
Our animals want to speak to us
When I first spoke with Lanna I asked her, “What is the most profound thing your cats have taught you?” I was not prepared for the answer. She began to tell me the story about the night that changed her life forever. She had been out with friends one evening and the establishment had a jaguar plush toy on the bar. This struck her as odd, thinking, “There must be a message here.”
After returning home later that evening she noticed one of her cats acting strangely as Lanna went to bed. Sitting in the doorway of the bedroom she continued to stare at Lanna, not leaving and refusing to eat dinner. A short time later Lanna was awakened by a loud popping noise. Once she looked out the window she realized her house was on fire in the rooms underneath her. “I lost more than 90% of the contents inside of my house, and the house had to be totally rebuilt. Two of my precious kitties passed away as a result of the fire, and I miss them dearly.”
Through trials we gain understanding
That night forever changed her life. Revelation and deeper understanding came as she understood that our animals have a purpose for being in our lives, and in come cases, are willing to die for the improvement of their loved one’s lives. Furthermore, even though our animals have passed, they are not gone. Her own cats who were casualties of that horrific night now continue to guide and support her from the other side.
The animals are infinite beings who have left their bodies for another job. They have been called by Source/God/Universe/Divine Energy/Etc. It is hard to separate our physical pain from the higher purpose of our lives and the lives of our animals. I know many of you know this pain. We mourn the loss of their cuddles, warm kisses and sparkling eyes. I mourn just like you all do, with tears in bed, on the shoulders of loved ones and even in public spaces at the moment someone says “How are you doing?”. I cried everyday for 5 weeks straight after the death of my furry family members. Even though I work with death as part of this work, it does not shield me from the human experience of grieving.
I want you to know that each time an animal passes – they have been called for another job. Their job may be in this realm, or another, or maybe their soul has been called for energetic work from heaven. It’s important to realize that the way that they choose to leave us, and the time at which they do so, has significance. To honor them, we need to pay attention to these details.
The wisdom of speaking with animals is within us
Lanna’s professional background is in engineering, balancing the feeling side of speaking with animals. She describes herself as “one side nerd and the other woo-woo lady.”
Animal communication is fully integrated into my way of life, and I believe it should be integrated for all the animals of the world, including humans. This wisdom is within us all, and I have chosen to dedicate myself to this knowledge and practice in service to our animal friends.
Using ancient methods applied in our modern world, I am an intuitive vessel for which the animals can communicate through. I feel honored that the universe and momentous teachers have educated me in this way of life: speaking to the raven who pays me a visit during a hike, listening to the ailments of a dying horse, discovering what’s bothering an anxiety-ridden dog, connecting with beloved companions who have crossed the rainbow bridge, and so much more.
One cat had a lot to say!
One of Lanna’s clients had a cat named George that she spoke with. As I read the lengthy conversation I just had to laugh! Apparently this kitty was a little peeved because he was being ignored and left out, so he peed on his owner’s favorite rug to get her attention. Here’s a small excerpt of the conversation:
“I’m not peeing on rug in order to protect territory. I pee on the rug because it is soft and it makes Mom mad. She cares more about the rug than me. It was a test. She failed! I lose! How sad.
Mom is not listening. Pay attention! No one cares because I’m an old man. I feel dead already…and might as well be. *huff, eye roll*
“I feel given up on. What did I do? No one cares or listens.”
“Mom hides herself. She can’t be still. Thinking hurts her. Her emotions are raw. No love anymore. Why not love me? I’m still here! I wait patiently at her feet but I am ignored. What do I need to do to earn her love? Why am I not enough? I give up. Why care anymore?!
I just want love and affection. No more games. It’s tiring. Time is short. I found you, didn’t I? That was exhausting to find you. Now, I care, because we talked. I’m finally heard. I want to live and bring joy. I’m an old man. Let’s truce and move on! Tell Mom I will make a very loud purr when I am happy.”
Amazingly, George’s owner confirmed the minute details of the entire conversation given to Lanna by George. After making changes to her daily activities and giving George the attention he craved, the results were immediate! The peeing stopped, and their relationship began to heal. Once again, George was a happy cat!
Animal communication is a spirit-guided heart connection
In addition to speaking with animals Lanna has a strong background in angelic shamanism, neo-shamanism and Lakota shamanism. She also has an Animal Wellness Coach certification and animal communication teacher for The Lightfoot Way.
I have communicated with over 600 animals professionally since 2013, in topics such as behavior, health, locating lost animals, end of life decisions, selecting a new animal family member and in spirit connections. My past clients range from farm animals, companion animals (pets), performance animals (show horses, agility dogs, etc) and wildlife. Although I am physically located in one place, all of my work is currently completed remotely as spirit can connect anywhere.
I am so honored to welcome Lanna to the Purrrfectly Holistic team! If you would like to set up a session for Lanna to speak with your pet, you can find details here. Whether you’re experiencing a behavior issue, grieving the loss of a pet, or simply want to understand your pet on a deeper level, animal communication can help. From someone who has personally been touched on a soul level through such an experience, I can tell you it can be life-changing. What is your pet waiting to tell you?