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The Cat Who Came For Christmas

One of the best inspirational cat stories, perfect for any cat lover.

Revised December 8, 2018

A Heart-warming, Inspirational Cat Story

The magical season of Christmas is upon us, bringing with it the hustle and bustle excitement of shopping, parties, gift-giving and spending time with family and friends.  Many of us–myself included–struggle to find that perfect gift for cat-loving friends.  With luck I happened across a book several years ago that has forever held a special place in my heart.  It’s one of my favorite inspirational cat stories!  

The Cat Who Came For Christmas

Some of you may be familiar with the famous author, humorist, and humanitarian, Cleveland Amory.  An animal rights activist, he was perhaps best known for his books written about his cat, Polar Bear.  The Cat Who Came For Christmas was his first book.  The story begins on a cold, snowy Christmas Eve in 1977 when he rescued a cat off a Manhattan street.  Despite being an outspoken advocate for animals, this self-professed curmudgeon had never actually owned a pet. 

Little did he realize how his life would change overnight.  (Cats have a way of doing that.)  Over the years he and his new roommate, Polar Bear, would come to accept each other as they were.  Their ensuing relationship is not only heart-warming and humorous but will leave you with a new-found appreciation of being owned by a cat.  The first book resulted in the writing of two more:  The Cat and the Curmudgeon and The Best Cat Ever.  Just like the first book, the two that follow are equally engaging and humorous.  You may as well read all three because you’ll feel incomplete not knowing the whole story.  

Devoted cat lover and author Cleveland Amory and Polar Bear

Cleveland Amory and Polar Bear

The Fund for Animals

Cleveland Amory went on to found The Fund for Animals in 1967 which focused on protecting animals from hunters and creating animal sanctuaries.  Amory later established Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, TX, a sanctuary where rescued animals could live out their days.  Several years ago my husband and I made a day trip to visit this amazing ranch.  We saw so many beautiful animals–some up close and some at a distance–because they are free to roam as wild animals.

A softie at heart, it was not without shedding many tears that I walked through the property and visited the actual resting place of Polar Bear and Cleveland Amory.  Their grave markers were set side by side in a special area.  It was a beautiful reminder of the bond we share with our cats and  the impact they have on us for the rest of our lives.

The Cat Who Came For Christmas set is the purrrfect gift for any cat lover.  Through the laughs and tears I’m certain it will be cherished and unforgettable.

Do you have any favorite cat stories?  Share in the comments below!  Need Christmas gift ideas for the cat or cat lover in your life?  Check out The Boutique for Cats!

Aylen's first Christmas 2015






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