Archive for the ‘Cat Behavior’ Category
June 17, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
A Holistic Remedy For Feline Behavior Problems
Do You Have Feline Behavior Problems In Your Household? Cats are very emotional creatures, and they know just how to get our attention! Sometimes we label their methods as “bad,” but perhaps we need to take a closer look and try to understand the “why.” Many cats are actually re-homed when cat parents are at […]
March 25, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Resolving Jealousy In Cats Holistically
For those of us who absolutely love cats it’s no surprise how easy they tug at our heartstrings. When you have one cat and decide to get another one it’s usually an easy decision…especially when it’s a really cute kitten! Whether you realize it or not there’s an unspoken hierarchy when you have multiple cats. […]
March 17, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Is Your Cat A Picky Eater? This May Be Why
Cats love routine…and they love to eat. It’s super easy for them to train us to dote on their every whim or hunger pang. We eagerly acquiesce to their every need, and there is no better example than a cat who’s a picky eater. If the bowl of food we offer is snubbed how many […]
February 25, 2018 | by Pam Roussell
Help! My Cat Peed On The Bed!
As cat parents it’s up to us to learn how to “read” our cats and truly understand them. When they are happy they show it by head bunting, purring, kneading or “making biscuits,” and wanting to be near you. When they’re not happy they can be very devious. They’ve even figured out the best way to get our attention: peeing on something that’s personal to us.
September 3, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Cat Health: Overcoming Emotional Trauma
Cat health: Has your cat been through a traumatic experience? Unless you’ve been living under a rock this past week you’ve probably been watching the news coverage of Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath along the Texas coast. I live in Houston, and I can only describe the devastation of flooding as inconceivable. It is simply […]
August 6, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Kenda The Cat: Healing Past and Present Holistically
Baggage. We all carry it with us, and many times it’s often overlooked. However, events and situations that affected us while we were very young often shape our behaviors and attitudes throughout our lives. This may come as a surprise, but guess what? It happens with cats, too! Cat behavioral problems and physical health issues can be related to untreated emotional issues.
June 24, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Stop Cats Marking Territory–A Holistic Approach
I love cats. In fact, I love them so much I can’t have just one! Nearly all my life I’ve had a multiple cat household, and as far as I know I have never had issues with a cat marking its territory in the house. Cats mark territory to send messages to other cats (either indoors or outdoors), establish dominance, display jealousy, and control their “space”.
March 19, 2017 | by Pam Roussell
Cats Aging Gracefully: Senior Cat Care
Getting old is not for the weak of heart. Things don’t work the same, they don’t feel the same, and life becomes more challenging. Most people are probably used to living with some type of pain on a regular basis. We become so used to taking “stuff” to mask it that the thought of eliminating the cause doesn’t even cross our minds. I would guess this assessment is true for about 80% of the population. Sadly, our pets’ aging is resembling that of humans more and more.